


编辑:中诚信绿金   时间:2023-11-24

俄罗斯天然气工业银行(股份公司)(以下简称 "俄气银行"、"银行"、"发行人")近日在俄罗斯境内市场计划发行今年的第一只绿色债券(俄罗斯天然气工业银行(股份公司)005P-01P交易所记账式计息绿色债券,简称"本债券"),由中国领先的绿色金融和ESG服务机构-中诚信绿色金融科技(北京)有限公司(简称 "中诚信绿金")提供评估认证。

俄气银行总部位于莫斯科,是目前俄罗斯最大的银行之一,在 绿色金融与ESG 领域的实践处于领先地位。俄罗斯天然气银行已制定了自身的可持续金融框架,并成为了联合国环境规划署金融倡议项下的 "负责任银行原则"的签署机构。俄气银行目前是第一家获得来自中国评估认证机构服务的俄罗斯绿色债券发行人。

据悉,本债券募集资金主要投向相关绿色建筑建设贷款的再融资。中诚信绿金对该债券是否符合国际资本市场协会(ICMA)和俄罗斯联邦绿色分类目录进行了验证。根据对 "资金用途"、"项目评估和筛选流程"、"资金管理"、"信息披露"的评估,中诚信绿金确认本债券的四大核心要素符合上述指引文件和政策规定。

“俄气银行在系统地执行可持续发展原则,包括向可再生能源项目、绿色建筑和基础设施领域提供贷款。近年来,我们一直是俄罗斯负责任融资市场的推动力量。仅在 2022-2023 年,我们就承销了 7 笔 ESG 债券的发行,现在我们自己作为发行人的时机已到。”Ekaterina Salugina-Sorokovaya,俄罗斯天然气工业银行第一副行长表示。“我们很高兴成为俄罗斯绿色债券发行商中获得中诚信绿金评估认证的先驱,并期待在未来的项目中进一步合作,在环境和社会责任的原则下开展我们的业务。”





Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) (hereinafter, Gazprombank, the Bank, the issuer) is planning to issue its first green bond this year (Exchange Green Non-Documentary Interest Bonds Series 005P-01P, “the bond”) in Russia, with a certification provided by China Chengxin Green Finance (hereinafter, CCXGF)- a leading green finance and ESG service provider from China.


Headquartered in Moscow, Gazprombank is now one of the largest banks in Russia, as well as one of the leading financial institutions in ESG agenda. GPB has developed its own sustainable finance framework and became a signatory of Principles for Responsible Banking initiative under UNEP FI. By obtaining certification from CCXGF, Gazprombank is the first Russian green bond issuer certified by a Chinese external reviewer.


The proceeds are nominated to be used by the Bank to refinance previously granted loans for energy efficient buildings which all meet the national green buildings standard of Russian. CCXGF has reviewed the alignment of the bond with the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and with criteria set out in Green Taxonomy of Russian Federation approved by Russian Government Decree No. 1587 dated 21 September 2021 on Approving Criteria for Sustainable Development (Including Green) Projects in the Russian Federation. Based on the assessment of Use of proceeds, Process for project evaluation and selection, Management of proceeds, Possibility to Achieve Environmental Benefit Objectives and Reporting, CCXGF concludes that the four core components of this bond are in conformance with the requirements in the guideline and policy previously mentioned.


“Gazprombank has a systematic approach to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development, including initiatives in lending to renewable energy projects, green buildings, and infrastructure. For several years we have been a driving force of the Russian market of responsible financing. Only in 2022-2023, we arranged 7 ESG bond placements, and now the time has come for our own. ”Says Ekaterina Salugina-Sorokovaya, First Vice President of Gazprombank. “We are glad to become a pioneer among Russian green bond issuers in receiving CCXGF’s certification and look forward to further cooperation on upcoming projects to conduct our business on the principles of environmental and social responsibility.”


Sunny Shen, President of CCXGF, says that CCXGF is the pioneering domestic green finance and ESG service provider in China. “The communication and collaboration between China and Russia are accelerating in many aspects, including the finance area. We believe with CCXGF’s expertise, our external review of the bond would enhance the international presence of Gazprombank, especially in the Chinese market, increase transparency, and facilitate better understanding of the issuer to international stakeholders. We are confident that this issuance would serve as a steppingstone, for future opportunities of collaboration and innovation in sustainable finance between the two countries.”

(Click on the links below to obtain reports)





地址:北京市东城区朝阳门内大街南竹杆胡同2号银河SOHO-D座 50531

